Ragged Glory returned to the NItten stage on Thursday 11th August after a long absence. They had been scheduled to play in April but were stricken by the now almost ubiquitous COVID bug. It was therefore decided to break with tradition and host an additional guest night in August and thankfully the guys (and gal) are now all back to full fighting fitness (don’t you love a bit of alliteration ?) and they delivered a wonderful performance, as one would expect from these consummate musicians.
An appreciative audience sang along to rousing renditions of traditional songs, contemporary acoustic covers and Charlie and Jim’s own excellent original songs. Okay, so the jokes were excruciatingly unfunny – that’s the whole point – but George delivers each one with such a pleasant manner you can’t really hold it against him. Another triumphant show for a band of Nitten’s favourites.
As usual the floor spots, from Ronnie Miller, Ian Duncan, Paul Ashcroft and others were excellent and our ever popular raffle added to the club funds. The unwanted Christmas presents are now, finally, exhausted (it is August after all) but the quality of the prizes on offer remains satisfyingly high, thanks to the generosity of the members and friends of Nitten Folk Club who kindly donated them.
Next month we welcome two American visitors to our shores as Friction Farm make their debut on our the Nitten stage. Aidan and Christine combine storytelling, social commentary and humour to create songs of everyday life. Make sure you don’t miss it.
The Committee