On Thursday we were delighted to welcome Karen Beattie, from the Scots Music Group, to Nitten Folk Club. She came along to collect a cheque for £1,345.00; the amount raised by the club’s Annual Lesley Hale Charity Concert, which took place on 1st October. It’s a significant sum and Karen assured us all it is most welcome and will be a great help to continuing the great work done by SMG. Like many other clubs and charities the pandemic gave them a really lean couple of years and they’re now, thanks to the generous donations from people like the Nitten Folk Club members and visitors, beginning to get back on their feet again. The picture below shows Karen being presented with the cheque by our treasurer, Ronnie Miller. Happy smiles all round.
Karen also charmed us with a couple of delightful tunes on her concertina and a jolly song (it was a theme night – ‘Humour Me’ – so she had to think fast but she pulled it off with aplomb. The date of the next charity concert is yet to be decided – that will happen sometime in the new year – but we’ll keep you posted. Just keep an eye on the ‘Events’ page, Next up is Forgaitherin on 1st December, a fabulous four piece band from Fife. We hope to see you there.
The Committee