Thursday saw the long anticipated (and much delayed) appearance at Nitten Folk Club of the stunning combination of Sylvia Barnes and Sandy Stanage. We had originally booked them for 2020 – seems so far away now – and on Thursday they finally managed to make the gig – and a wonderful performance is was.
Two of original founders of the renowned folk band ‘Kentigern’; Sylvia’s glorious voice has lost none of its power and Sandy’s status as the pre-eminent guitarist on the folk scene is undiminished by the years. The set list included songs and tunes by a dazzling array of song writing talents: from Jez Lowe, Sean Mone, Michael Marra, Steve Earl – the list goes on, and all were delivered with the professionalism and sheer class you would expect from luminaries like Sylvia and Sandy. It’s nigh on impossible to pick favourites but standout songs included Sandy’s gloriously economical arrangement of Ivan Drever’s ‘Rose of St Magnus’ and Sylvia’s heart tugging interpretation of Violet Jacobs beautiful ‘The End O’t’. The evening ended with the splendid singalong ‘Todlen Hame’ – and hame we toddled. A wonderful evening was had by all and thanks must go to everyone involved.
The entertainment was preceded by the usual quality ‘floor spots’ provided by Charlie Boyle, Davy Corner, Ian Duncan, Paul Ashcroft and more. The ever popular raffle was once more a success – one day we will get to the end of those unwanted Christmas presents.
Next month we will be playing host to the ever-entertaining Ian Walker Band. It’s been quite a few years since we had Ian at the club and we’re really looking forward to welcoming him back. It promises to be another great evening’s entertainment at Nitten. We hope to see you all there.
The Committee